About Us

Hello! Thanks for stopping by and taking interest in my story. I'm Celeste & I'm studying Naturopathy at uni in Australia, I love exploring in nature and am definitely a foodie, and I have had a crazy health journey and live with chronic pain.

I  started making tshirts as a way of uniting people and spreading awareness about chronic pain and chronic illness, life with a disability, preventative medicine and all things healthy lifestyle related, because what better ice breaker to spread awareness than a tshirt on topics that while common, I definitely feel are under-represented in society :) I know a chronic illness can feel isolating, and the irony is that in that mutual feeling we're actually incredibly connected, and that's why it's so important to reach out. I'm hoping these tshirts help people realise the things we have in common and focus on our abilities. Hoping there's something relatable for everyone, and if there's something you'd like to see represented on a tshirt, send a message and we'll look into making it happen.  

Let's enable connection, we are all worthy of love and have value to share with others :) 

All tshirts are designed by Aussies & printed in QLD, so when you a buy a shirt you know you're supporting local small business.


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